Long time no hear, Rachel here. So I blog in spits and spats. Actually, I do most of life in much the same way I've come to realise. There are times of motivation and energy, and there are times of tiredness and retreat. Lately, I've been feeling quiet. I have been so grateful to have Matt and Shannyn hold the fort at The Story Tree. I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago and have been feeling like a turtle in it's shell, retreating into home, quiet, alone and healing. I am so grateful that my life has so much in it that fills it with joy. I have been sad and happy at the same time. I have grieved the loss of what could have been, while rejoicing in all that already is. Both are true-joy and sadness, light and dark. I have needed to trust the process of healing, trust the quiet emptiness inside, and the noise of day to day that is the what life is with our two precious boys.

This blog site really is a mix of the shop and of my personal life. It's the way life is. The two are inseparable. The Story Tree is a part of me and I am also more than my work; and The Story Tree is more than me, it is everyone who comes in and makes it a part of their life. I wouldn't have it any other way. It is a blessing to me and I love that it is a blessing for others.
This time of year I like to reflect. I realise, as I look back on all that's happened just how much I have to be grateful for. It is the love of family and friends that sustains me.